Friday, December 30, 2011

Di Ambang Tahun Baru 2012

Beberapa jam saja lagi, kita akan meninggalkan tahun 2011 dan melangkah ke tahun baru 2012. Pelbagai pengalaman pahit manis serta cerita gembira dan sedih yg telah kita lalui sepanjang tahun 2011. Semua pengalaman dan cerita tuh boleh kita jadikan panduan dan pedoman untuk kita menempuh cabaran pada tahun 2012 kelak.

Ok, jom kita ingat semula apa yang dah kita buat sepanjang setahun yang lepas. Aku rasa, tahun 2011 aku banyak beli buku (lebih satu kira banyak lar kan...he he he), tapi masalahnya, bila nak baca, cuma selak chapter-chapter tertentu jek...Banyak buku pasal blogging, internet marketing, bagaimana nak jadi jutawan internet, tapi, implementasinya cukup sikit...satu masalah yang aku hadapi adalah mengekalkan konsistensi dalam satu-satu aktiviti. Yang aku perasan, aku akan start sekejap, lepas tuh aku tinggalkan dalam masa yg sangat lama (he he he, aku tau, korang pon macam tuh kan kan kan), sampai sekarang, buku-buku tuh maseh belum habis dibaca lagik...he he he...tolong doakan aku dapat menghabisbacakan buku-buku tersebut tahun ini yer...he he he...Tahun 2011 gak, aktiviti sukan aku agak menggalakkan...aku berjaya menambah pengalaman dalam reffing paintball (dengan bantuan sahabat2 dari Malaysian Paintball Refferre Organization aka MPRO)...tahun 2011 jugak aku berjaya (berjaya???) menguruskan kewangan aku sedikit demi sedikit...Alhamdulillah...dapat lar jugak disusunatur mana-mana yang perlu...

Tahun 2011 jugak aku dapat berjumpa semula dengan kawan-kawan aku yang dah lama tak jumpa...hampir 30 tahun gak lar...semua tuh dengan bantuan FACEBOOK ( )...kawan-kawan dari Sekolah Kebangsaan (LKTP) Kemelah Segamat Johor, kawan-kawan dari Sekolah Menengah Agama Kerajaan Negeri Johor (SMAKJ) Kluang Johor, ngan kengkawan dari Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar (SMSMr) Muar Johor...Harapnya persahabatan yg kembali terjalin akan terus berkekalan hingga akhir hayat...SAHABAT SELAMANYA...

Tahun 2011 jugak aku kehilangan atuk ngan nenek akibat sakit tua...atuk aku, Haji Mistam Bin Haji Karim ngan nenek aku Hajjah Zainah Bte haji Dahlan, semoga roh keduanya ditempatkan di kalangan golongan orang-orang yang beriman dan dijauhkan dari azab kubur hingga sampainya hari kebangkitan...Al Fatihah untuk atuk ngan nenek...

Banyak lagik yg nak dikongsikan...tapi aku rasa cukup dulu setakat tuh...nanti lain kali kita singkap lagi kenangan-kenangan mengusik kalbu tuh yer...he he he...

Wokeh, setiap kali sampainya tahun baru, satu perkataan yg takkan lekang daripada mulut umat manusia adalah AZAM..."Apa azam ko tahun nih bro?","Eh bro, ko dah ada azam baru tak?","Eh bro, apa azam tahun baru?"...semua persoalan tuh akan ditanyakan oleh kengkawan kita...tapi, jawapannya, he he he...tepuk dada tanya selera...semua boleh jawab perlunya ada AZAM baru nih...AZAM tahun yang lepas dah tertunai ker...kalau takde AZAM baru tokleh ker...(^_^)...

Sebenarnya, semua tuh bergantung kepada diri sendiri...AZAM tuh cuma sebagai pendorong untuk kita mencapai sesuatu yang lebih baik pada tahun yang akan datang...bila kita tanamkan azam yang baru, semangat kita akan lebih berkobar-kobar untuk menghadapi tahun baru, walaupun pada hakikatnya, takde apa-apa yang istimewa pun tahun baru tuh nanti...cuma dari segi spiritualnya, kita akan ada penyokong tambahan untuk mengiringi kita bila menempuh tahun baru tuh nanti...Apapun, memang excited bila  nak menyambut tahun baru nih...apa sebabnya, aku pon tak tau...he he he...

Another issue bila menjelang tahun baru, ghamai orang berpusu-pusu untuk menyambutnya...pegi dataran merdeka lar,pegi one utama lar,pegi the curve lar, klcc lar, and memacam tempat lain lagi...aku pon sama masa anak aku baru sorang dulu...pegi tengok bunga api kat dataran merdeka, tapi masa tuh sebab dataran merdeka penuh so aku ngan wife and anak aku layan bunga api dari tang ling tuh...sekarang, dah jarang dah...layan dari dalam tv jek...apapun, yang paling penting masa menyambut sambutan tahun baru nih, kene hati2...lebih2 lagi bagi anak2 dara yang keluar dengan kawan2 lelaki...harapnya parents dapat ambik perhatian dalam perkara nih...kalau tak, tunggu lar bulan lapan, sembilan atau sepuluh  akan datang, kompom masalah pembuangan bayi akan berlaku lagi...BABY MERDEKA...nauzubillah...

Dan, last but not least, SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2012 DARI AKU SEKELUARGA...didoakan kepada semua semoga di tahun baru nanti segala perancangan akan berjalan dengan lancar, segala doa akan dimakbulkan, dan kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan sentiasa berada bersama-sama...AMIN...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Topik Pagi Sinar

Biasanya, bila korang pegi keje, radio apa yg korang dengar???...Kalau aku, biasanya pepagi aku dengar radio Sinar...korang boleh browse web depa nih kat aku dengar radio nih???...SEBAB SUASANA MERIAH DEPA BOLEH MENENANGKAN...he he he...pelik kan...kalau korang tak pernah dengar radio sinar nih pepagi, aku cadangkan esok pagi korang dengar...dengan celoteh Saleh Yaakob, Krill ngan Kak Engku, meriah sungguh...lagi satu alasan kenapa aku suka dengar Sinar sebab topik yg dibawa setiap pagi tuh selalunya topik-topik semasa...dan macam biasa setiap hari rabu, adalah topik untuk MASALAH ANDA bersama Wak Jawa...he he he...dengan temanya "BOLEH PAKAI TAK BOLEH PAKAI DENGAR AJE"...he he he...

Semalam (28/12/2011), hari rabu, sekali lagi topik pagi sinar adalah masaalah anda...tapi semalam Kak Engku @ Raja Azura takde...digantikan oleh Kak Bet @ Abby Fana...ok lar jugak celoteh depa...memacam masaalah pendengar yg aku dengar, tapi aku tertarik ngan satu masalah pendengar nih berkaitan hutang...lebih kurang macam nih masalah dia...

Pendengar nih meminjamkan kepada kawan dia sejumlah RM3000, lebih kurang 6 bulan yang lepas...kawan dia nih berjanji akan membayar semula pinjamannya tuh pada hujung tahun, setelah mendapat bonus daripada syarikat (untung lar bekerja dengan syarikat yang memberi bonus kepada pekerja)...tapi, masalahnya, bila dah dapat bonus, kawan pendengar nih buat tak gheti jek...buat derk jek...macam takde apa-apa...macam tak pernah meminjam...dan yang lagi best, kawan si peminjam nih siap bercerita lagi nak tukar motor besar, nak beli peti ais, nak hias rumah, dengan pendengar, pendengar nih rasa bengang lar sebab peminjam nih tak hengat hutang dia...masalah pendengar nih pulak, dia malu nak tuntut hutang dia (macam aku jugak...he he he...)...dengan harapan peminjam tuh akan sedar sendiri dan bayar hutang, apa yg team Sinar pagi nih cadangkan, pendengar tuh pegi tuntut hutang dia dulu...ketepikan soal malu tuh sebab jumlah RM3000 tuh bukan sikit...banyak tuh...sama dengan jumlah gaji seminggu Abang Jem (bak kata Krill...he he he...)

So, dalam situasi kehidupan sebenar, masalah macam nih memang wujud...sorang kawan aku, atas dasar kawan, meminjamkan sejumlah RM25000 kepada seorang kawan yang menjalankan perniagaan dengan alasan untuk membesarkan perniagaan...dan dijanjikan akan membayar semula selepas setahun bersama komisen...tapi, setelah sekian lama, hutang tetap tinggal hutang...bila diminta @ dituntut, macam-macam alasan diberikan...duit dalam akaun lar, duit pada peguam lar, duit belum tunai lar, dan memacam alasan yang tak boleh diterima pakai...nak lagik best, bila carik mamat tuh sekarang dah tak jumpa dah...rumah dah gelap...bila tanya keluarga, alasannya pegi oversea lar, pegi KL lar...balik kampung isteri lar...memacam alasan lagi...aku pernah cadangkan untuk buat laporan polis, tapi entah...cadangan aku dipandang sepi...sesepi malam yg bertemankan bulan dan bintang sambil disapa angin pantai yang sepoi2...he he he...

Kawan aku yga lain pulak, meminjamkan sejumlah RM5000 kepada kawan dia...jumlah tuh bukan secara lumpsum tapi secara sedikit-sedikit...sampaijumlah total RM5000 tuh...tapi bila dituntut, senyap...tanpa sebarang, apa yang kawan aku nih sepatutnya buat???...senyum jek lar...he he he...

So, apa yang patut mereka-mereka diatas lakukan untuk menuntut hutang-hutang mereka???...pada aku, hutang tetap hutang...melainkan telah dihalalkan oleh si peminjam atas alasan kematian atau sebagainya...dan kepada yang meminjam, cuba-cuba lar untuk membayar hutang tuh semula...kalau tak secara penuh sekaliharung, bayar lar secara ansuran tanpa faedah...he he he...

Hidup mesti diteruskan...(^_^)...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Berhujung Minggu di Kampung

Balik balik kampung...hati girang...he he he...sapa yg tak suka bila berpeluang balik ke kampung halaman (walaupun hanya kampung mentua...he he he)...kebetulan cuti sekolah pun dah hampir sampai ke penghujung, dan aku maseh belum berpeluang nak bawak anak2 aku g jalan2 ke mana2, selepas perancangan yg rapi (wife aku yg lebih rapi sebenarnya, maklumlah, Menteri Kewangan),kami pun memulakan perjalanan pulang ke kampung melayu rapat jaya, ipoh perak, lebih kurang jam 12.30 tgh hari, dengan mengharapkan perjalanan yg lancar dan selesa.

Macam biasa, bila nak balik ipoh, aku akan guna plus highway, ngan guthrie highway...tol githrie highway rm1.60, ngan tol plus dalam rm23 kalau tak silap aku...perjalanan lancar setakat slim river and guest what, sampai slim river dah start jem...memula slow moving pastu terus stop, tak bergerak langsung...aku kuatkan radio, masa tuh aku dengar Sinar (, dengar info trafik sinar, and depa bgtau info trafik sesak sepanjang 14 kilometer dari slim river ke utara...WHAT!!!!...14 KILOMETER????...tak boleh jadik nih...aku cakap kat wife aku, nak ikut jalan lama, tak beraper pandai, tapi kalau stay atas highway nh pukul 6 tak tentu kita sampai ipoh lagi...last2, nekad...aku masuk tol slim river...wife aku telefon kak long, minta bantuan arah...he he he...kak long pass pada abg long, dia cakap cari signboard pegi bodor,kampar,tapah,gopeng...tu lar jalan ke ipoh...dan aku pon menggunakan hand phone murah aku, bukak GPS, then taip Kampar Perak...he he he....

Tak ler sibuk sesibuk highway jalan lama nih...cuma banya kenderaan berat jek...lori membuatkan perjalanan agak terbatas...tapi atleast, tak ler berhenti tengah, perjalanan kembali lancar...sampai kat bidor perak, mula jem...aku hengatkan sebab apa, rupanya sebab traffik light...aku ingat nak masuk highway semula, tapi tak sempat nak "cilok" kekanan, so,aku terus lagi guna jalan lama menuju ke kampar...sampai kat pekan kampar, again,jem...dan hajat nak masuk ke highway dibantutkan oleh sebuah lori besar yg tersangkut betul2 di persimpangan masuk ke highway...potong betul r...haish...Teruskan jugak guna highway ke Tapah...

Satu kelebihan bila kita guna jalan lama nih (dengan syarat perjalanan siang lar), kita dapat menikmati pemandangan peninggalan lombong bijih timah yg sekarang menjadi tasik buatan...aku yakin kalau kerajan perak menjalankan inisiatif yang sewajarnya, tasik buatan nih boleh menjadi pusat tarikan pelancong...menarik woo..boleh buat tempat berkelah, boleh buat tempat memancing, boleh buat tempat mandi-manda...ish ish ish...kalau aku ada banya duit, kompom aku beli tempat2 menarik macam nih...he he he...

Sampai kat pekan tapah, jalan clear untuk masuk highway...aku signal ke kanan, tunggu traffik light hijau then masuk ke highway...nak lagi best, sampai kat exit keluar simpang pulai, hanya satu exit, dan jem lagik...aaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!!....bad luck ari nih...but, takper r...dah dekat dah...anak2 aku dah meragam, lapar kut...ngan aku pon dah pening...cadangan untuk membawa anak2 makan dulu terpaksa dibatalkan atas sebab2 teknikal...he he he...sampai gak kampung regat rapat jaya setelah hampir 3 jam perjalanan...erk...normal time lar tuh...kalau aku ukit highway tadi, kompom kami tak sampai lagi nih...he he he...

Lost World of Tambun...aktiviti hari ahad...kebetulan isnin cuti sebab cuti ganti,ahad, bawak bebudak g mandi taman tema...he he he...tercapai gak hajat nak bawak bebudak bercuti...Lost World ngan umah mentua aku cuma lebih kurang 10 minit, bergerak dalam kul 9.30 pagi, dalam kul 9.45 pagi...dan,dah ramai orang yg beratur untuk beli tiket...( facebook tuh aku ada post gambar orang yang beratur nak beli tiket...ghamai giler umat...pergh...

Harga tiket untuk dewasa rm45, manakala kanak2 rm36...percuma untuk kanak2 dibawah 90cm...anak aku ngan anak sedara aku yg umur depa 4 tahun pun kena rm36, sebab depa, korang kira lar...semalam yang masuk dewasa aku,wife aku,kak long,abang long,mak tam,acik ilah,adik ipar aku, ngan anak sedara aku yang tingkatan satu...budak2 pulak, anak aku 2 orang, anak kak long 3 orang, anak adik ipar aku sorang...tambah ngan duit deposit untuk gelang pintar sebagai tiket masuk, total semua adalah rm721...pergh...mahalnya!!!!...tapi, sebab nak bawak bebudak, gagahkan jugak r...bak kata abah aku, kita keja untuk anak2...he he he...

Macam2 ada dalam Lost World of Tambun tuh...bukan setakat taman tema, ada gak mini zoo,kawasan pemuliharaan harimau bengal,tempat pemuliharaan haiwan,ngan gua...tapi masa aku nak masuk gua tuh, pintu dia maseh ak jadik r nak masuk gua tuh...anak aku yang nombor tiga, Ryaan, meraung2 bila bawak masuk dalam air...ish ish ish...knape ntah aku pon tak tau...tapi, aku bawak gak...nak nanges pon nanges r...siap kene rendam lagik...he he he...sempat gak aku bawak qyra ngan ryaan pegi petting zoo..ada taman burung,aquarium ular tedung,ngan mini jungle tracking...know what, RYAAN MENANGIS BILA NAMPAK RAMA2 TERBANG DEKAT DIA....ape r...he he he...Kita orang berkemas balik lebih kurang pukul 2 petang...hajatnya nak satu hari kat situ tapi adik ipar aku ada date plak...he he, terlupa plak...kat situ pun ada kolam air panas...nak berendam boleh, nak berenang pon boleh...SPA pun ada gak kat situ...Kalau korang nak tau lebih detail, korang cuba browse kat browsing...he he he...Sampai rumah,bebudak semua dah penat...muka semua dah,masa untuk berehat...(^_^)...

Cuti berakhir...kami bergerak balik ke kl selepas isyak, hari isnin...hopefully perjalanan lancar...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Salam Kembali

Lama tak update blog nih...dh macam blog tinggal kut...atau perkataan yg laing tepat adalah "MALAS"...penyakit paling terunggul umat manusia...kalau ada penyakit nih, memang tokleh nak buat apa dah...memang hampas... he he he...

Apa yg korang buat skang nih???...sibuk cari duit???atau sibuk melaburkan duit???...sepuluh tahun dulu perkataan yg sama pernah terlintas dalam otak aku...apa yg aku nak buat dengan duit yang ada...melabur tak gheti...last-last, aku buat online investment...masa tuh tengah panas pasal SwishCash,12DailyPro dan memacam lagik...method dia mudah, browse website then sejumlah amount akan dikreditkan dalam akaun kita...sempat gak lar aku merasa sikit pelaburan tuh...but, tahan setakat dua tiga bulan jek kut...benda tuh ilang, ngan duit2 aku pon lesap sama...padahnya, TANGGUNGLAH HUTANG tuh...kah kah kah...

Sekarang, persoalan yg sama timbul...apa nak buat dengan duit yg ada nih...kalau bia, lelama nanti habes...nak melabur, kene pecaya ngan sapa kita nak labur, koz silap2 habuk pun tak dapat...sebut pasal pelaburan, aku pon tak paham kenapa ada sesetengah umat manusia yang masih kene tipu dengan pelaburan atas talian nih...kalau dah namanya pelaburan, kenapa nak transfer ke akaun individu???...kan dah sah2 nak menipu tuh namanya...dah memacam peringatan kat paper, berita, facebook,twitter,tagged, radio...tapi maseh nak kene tipu lar untuk semua...

Skang, aku tgh survey something yg mungkin aku bleh share ngan semua...tunggu ea...nanti aku update pasal survey aku tuh...

Semoga ketemu kembali...he he he...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Positive Mental Attitude

1. When Snake is alive, Snake eats Ants. When Snake is dead, Ants eat Snake.
Time can turn at any time. Don't neglect anyone in your life.......

2. Never make the same mistake twice, There are so many new ones,
Try a different one each day.

3. A good way to change someone's attitude is to change your own. Because, the same sun that melts butter, also hardens clay! Life is as we think, so think beautifully.

4. Life is just like a sea, we are moving without an end. Nothing stays with us,
What remains is just the memories of some people who touched us as Waves.

5. Whenever you want to know how rich you are?
Never count your currency, Just try to Drop a Tear and count how many hands reach out to WIPE that- that is true richness.

6. Heart tells the eyes see less, because you see and I suffer lot. Eyes replied, feel less because you feel and I cry a lot.

7. Never change your originality for the sake of others, Because no one can play your role better than you. So be yourself, because whatever you are, YOU are the best.

8. Baby mosquito came back after 1st time flying. His dad asked him "How do you feel?"
He replied "It was wonderful, Everyone was clapping for me!"

Now thats a Positive Attitude.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To Join a Blogging Site or Not to Join

Joining an established blogging site like live journal or blogger has plenty of advantages, especially for the blog novice. Sites that host a lot of different blogs often have very useful tutorials about building and updating your blog, and you are likely to encounter a very user-friendly software interface at an established blogging site. In addition, these sites provide a kind of instant community of fellow bloggers who can provide advice, insight, and feedback. These established sites often keep directories of their members, which can be great news for your traffic logs because it means that other bloggers on the site will find out about your pages.

However, there are also some downsides to linking up with a large blogging site. By posting within the
established templates of a site like blogger, you run the risk of having your blog look and feel like everybody else's. The blogging movement is very much about the creation of distinctive sites and the development of individual voices, so it makes plenty of sense that many bloggers would shy away from the cookie-cutter look and feel that these blogging sites often promote. Many bloggers feel that the content of a blog is what makes it distinctive, not the look of the blog, but many members of the blogging community feel that the visual impact of a blog should match the originality of the writing.

-Saiffuddin Juman-

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blogging Tips: Top 7 Blogging Tips

By Garish Wasil

Starting a blog can be a fun experience, but you want more than that. You want to make money with your blog too. There are many things you can do with your blog to help you get more traffic and make more sales, and I've listed 7 blogging tips here just to get you started.

1. Post lots of content, and do it often. For one thing, readers like to read blogs that have fresh content published regularly. It's hard for a reader to get into following you if you only post once in a great while. They don't have to be monster posts, they just need to be timely and relevant. Also keep in mind that search engines also like to see you publish fresh content often.

2. Put your longtail keywords in your post titles so that people searching those words on a search engine will find your post. It's nice to have as many people as possible read your posts since you've gone to all the work to write and post them - so think of your current readers as well as what you need to do to bring in some organic traffic.

3. Before you even put together a blog post, decide what you want the outcome of that post to be. Is it to promote an affiliate product or your own product? Is it meant to stir up a little controversy so that you get lots of comments and it goes viral? Is it to establish yourself as THE expert? Is it to leak some information and prime the pump before your product launch? You can give solid, valuable information in your post as well as have it point in the direction you want your readers to go next.

4. Keep your blog design pleasing to the eye and structure it so the person coming to your blog isn't confused as to what he or she should do. What do you want them to do? Read your post then subscribe or buy something? Read your post, laugh at your wit, then go away? Don't read your post, just click on the AdSense? Whatever you want them to do, don't have your blog layout so confusing they don't know where to turn next.

5. Use PLR to help you post more often. A PLR article might give you a spark of an idea for a blog post or you might take some PLR and lightly rewrite it to add your own personality. Either way, it can help you take action and get you publishing your blog on a regular basis.

6. Learn from other great bloggers how to blog. There is always something to learn, whether you've been blogging a short while or a long time. Subscribe to the best blogs, listen to what they have to say, and analyze everything about those blogs so you can make yours better.

7. Find out which WP plugins will make your blog friendlier to the search engines as well as to people. Readers like plugins like Comment Luv because it means if they leave a comment on your blog, their last blog post link will show under their comment. This encourages more comments, which is a good thing.

These are some of my favorite blogging tips. There is always more you can do with your blog to make it better, even if you've been blogging for years. So keep on learning, testing, tweaking, and posting.

Garish Wasil is a professional blogger and internet marketer. He blogs at his blogging tips blog vast9 and prefers Blog Mastermind to all to become a successful blogger and internet marketer. Every passionate blogger should checkout this.

Article Source:

Monday, July 4, 2011

Blogging for Profit Begins With a Long Term Plan

Many people dream of blogging for profit, and this goal is not far beyond the reach of someone with average intelligence, a willingness to work hard, and a basic grasp of blogging technology. However, very few people manage to reap the profits they want from their blog. Most people who attempt to make money with their blogs do not succeed for two reasons. Often, bloggers have unrealistic expectations of how fast their readership will grow and how much money they will make, and when these expectations are not met the disappointment can crush the desire to continue blogging. The other trap that many bloggers fall into has to do with lack of planning. If you want to turn a profit as a blogger, the key to success is to make a realistic plan and stick with it.

To succeed at blogging for profit, the main thing that you will need is a large readership. The higher your traffic, the more advertisers will agree to pay you. However, cultivating the regular visitors that you will need in order to make a profit isnt easy. As more and more blogs appear each day, having a great idea or a wonderful writing style is no longer enough to get attention. You need to be able to market your blog effectively.

Too many bloggers spend all of their time writing posts and almost no time marketing their project. To be certain, updating as often as you can is a great way to keep your blog high on blogrolls and high in blog search engines like technorati, and once your readers know that you update frequently they will return to your site on a regular basis. However, it does not matter how often you update if nobody is reading your page, so dont skimp on the time that you spend drawing visitors to your site. To make your dreams of blogging for profit a reality, try decreasing your number of posts and using some of that time to draw new visitors by setting up link exchanges with other bloggers, making contacts in the blog community, and following other established modes of winning traffic.

Of course, even if you are a marketing genius or have a really great idea for a blog, success is not going to happen overnight. Building the kind of readership that blogging for profit requires takes time, and in all likelihood it will be at least several months before you are able to turn much of a profit. Try to stay committed to your blogging project during this initial rough period. To stay motivated, set goals for how often you will update and how many readers you want to attract, and then reward yourself for sticking with your plan.

-Saiffuddin Juman-

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Learning How to Make Money Blogging

There are two major types of business models that entrepreneurs use to make money blogging. The first and most common way to turn a blog into a profit making machine is to sell advertising to different companies and brands who want to reach that blog's readers. The second kind of money making blog is one that helps a single brand improve its image by creating positive associations between the blog and the product in the mind of consumers. Both kinds of blogs can make a lot of money, especially if the creator has a keen mind for marketing.

If you are blogging with the goal of selling advertising, there are two basic ways that you can go about recruiting sponsors who want to put ads on your site; you can let someone else do all of the legwork, or you can do the work yourself and keep all of the revenue.Within the first group, many people make money blogging by selling space through Google's AdSense program. The advantages of this program are numerous, as it requires very little effort on the part of the blogger or webmaster to begin raking in profits. However, most people discover that they make less money through this method than they had hoped that their blog would earn.

Selling advertising directly to companies who want to put banner ads or sponsored links on your blog can take quite a bit of time, but it is often fairly lucrative. If you have a lot of contacts in industries that are related to the topic of your blog, you may want to try to go this route. People who have a strong background in sales and are experienced at pitching Proposals can make quite a bit of money by renting blog space to interested companies. The most serious problem with this model is that you often have to build quite a sizable readership before you can attract advertisers, which can mean that you have to do several months of work before you start to make money blogging.

As blogging becomes a more and more lucrative business, a lot of established companies are considering how they can get into the action. One way that companies are capitalizing on the blog movement is by having blogs that provide a kind of friendly face for their corporation. Often, a company will employ an established blogger to create a weblog designed specifically to appeal to that company's customers and to create positive associations with the brand in consumers' minds. More than one writer who never even dreamed that he or she could make money blogging has been approached by a company and offered quite a pretty penny for this kind of gig.

Monday, June 27, 2011

5 Reasons Why Blogging is the New Internet Marketing Tool

Blogging is a concept that started in late 90s.  It used to be a way to comment an existing webpage, an opportunity for visitors and readers to react or voice out one’s opinion on the said page.  What started as a single-sentence commentary has evolved into pages of personal take on just about anything and everything under the sun.  As it continues to move forward, online advertising has tapped into the blog’s potential.  Here are 5 reasons why you should use blogging as an Internet marketing tool.
1.Blogging is simple.  The simplest way to get your piece on the net is through blogging.  No skills are necessary… an average adult can read and type, or at least click a mouse.  It’s like having a virtual piece of paper and you just write your ideas, experiences, new products, and hope that the truth behind your articles comes out and entice your reader to also try your product.  If you have a PC and an Internet connection (who doesn’t?) then you can blog and advertise.

2. Blogging is authentic.  In this day and age where advertising saturate our lives, we question the credibility of promoters’ claims.  However, in blogs, real people share their real-life experiences, unscathed by paid advertising.  Reading blogs about first-hand product use is like talking to people about their first-hand experience.  You definitely want to buy a tried and tested product.

3. Blogging is free.  Because blogging is yet to be proven as a mainstream online advertising media, most sites see it as something to augment current marketing tools and thus offer it for free.   Any opportunity for free webtime is definitely a bonus especially to businesses that are starting up.  Needless to say, paid blog pages can generate more income for your seriously growing business.

4. Blogging builds credibility.  As you get more and more into writing your experiences on a particular product or industry, your readers come to realize that they can depend on your posts for their own information needs.  As such, you become an expert on it; as a consequence, more readers visit your site and more bloggers link to your blogs.  As companies and professional organizations notice the growth of your readership base, they may soon get in touch with you for advertising on your blog page, or make you an affiliate, which pays for every referral generated from your blog site.

5. Blogging builds your market.  Unless you are a Hollywood star, chances are, only your Mom reads your posts.  Mom has a lot of friends, so she lets her friends know how interesting your blog site is.  But you need not depend on Mom to increase your readership base.  Look into the following ways to build your market through blogging:
  • By using your e-mail.  Today, blogging is overcoming the e-mail’s popularity in quickly and effectively reaching and expanding a market.  In this age of speed and quick access, logging in and downloading e-mail is simply taking longer than clicking into a blog site.  Let them explore your site by using a short e-mail message as teaser to your blog site.  If your e-mail is on an entirely different subject, use your e-mail signature to give a link to the site.
  • By using subscription.  An easy way to get your readers e-mail is to give them an opportunity to subscribe to your blogsite.  Keep some exclusive information for your subscribers to entice readers to subscribe and give their e-mail address.  Just be responsible in using their e-mail address, as the last thing you want is a comment on your blog that you are a spammer.
  • By understanding your readers.  Conduct a simple survey for your readers to understand their profile and advertising preferences.  Ask consumers to give you feedback on a post, an ad link, or a trial that you shared.  In this way, it is like interviewing your readers without the commitment and intrusion of a face-to-face interview.
  • By joining a blog network –A network of blogs maybe a collection of blog sites that share the same industry, interest, readership base, payment mode, etc.  Consumers find credibility and convenience in clicking one link to several real bloggers about a single subject.  Clearly, more bloggers are better than one.
  • By using RSS. RSS is the fastest growing technology on the Internet today.  As such, having RSS feeds to your blog is definitely another means of generating awareness for your readership base.  Having a variety of feeds can add interest to your blog site. 

Give your business a boost by effectively using blogging as an Internet marketing tool.

BY Saiffuddin Juman

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Beginners Guide to Blogging

A blog is basically an online journal wherein you can digitally pen down your thoughts, ideas, opinions and practically anything that you want people to read. Blogs come in different styles, formats, and settings, depending on the preference of the user. Many blogging sites, offer built in features such as hyperlink, straight texts, pictures etc. Some blogging sites, even allow you to put video and mp3's on your blogs.

Instead of writing texts, some bloggers choose to make their blogs more audio friendly, by using spoken word entries. This is called audio blogging.

Basically a blog contains these features:

title- which allows you to label your post
body- this is the content of your post
trackback- other sites can be linked back to your blog
permanent link- every article that you write has a URL
comments- this allow readers to post comments on your blog.

One of the advantages of blogging, is that it is made of only a few templates. Unlike, other websites that is made up of numerous individual pages. This make it easier for blog users to create new pages, because it already has a fix setting that include: slots for title, body of the post, category, etc.

This is especially useful for first time users, since they can start blogging right away. They can chose from a number of templates that blogging websites provide.

Anyone who wants to start a blog can do so by becoming a member of a blogging website of their choice. Once they've become members, they automatically become a part of that particular blogging community. They can browse through other bloggers pages, and link them back to their own blogs. They can also make comments on other members' blogs.

Blogging is not just limited to personal usage. There are a lot of blogs that follow a theme such as: sports, politics, philosophy, social commentary, etc. These blogs espouse on their specific themes. This way blogging becomes a medium in which people can share their knowledge and opinions about a variety of themes and topics.

Some bloggers even use their blogs as a means to advertise. Some authors advertise their books on their blogs. While other bloggers, use their blogs to shed light to currents issues, events, news and catastrophes.

Nowadays in education, blogs also play an important part. Professors use blogging to document the lessons that they have discussed and taught. This way, students who who have missed classes, can easily catch up with their assignments.

A lot of entrepreneurs benefit from blogging by promoting their businesses on their blogs, with millions and millions of people logging onto the net everyday, blogging has become a lucrative move. Some bloggers who run online businesses promote their merchandise online. While others profit through advertisement.

But by far, the most popular blog type is the one that takes the form of a personal journal. This is the kind that is usually used by first time bloggers. Individuals who want to document the daily struggle of their everyday lives, poems, rants, opinions, find that blogging offers them a medium in which to express themselves.

Bloggers usually communicate within themselves. This is one of the appeals of blogging. It creates a community of people sharing their ideas, thoughts, and comments with each other.

Blogs varying in topics, themes, and set-ups, can be found in blog directories. First time users who want to get an idea of what the blogging world is all about can browse through a number of blogs using these directories. This way they'd get an idea of what these blogging communities are like.

Blogging is popular all over the world. Blog is short for the term weblog. There are no rules when it comes to blogging. Bloggers have the freedom to express themselves how ever way they want, and the best thing about blogging, is that most blogging sites are free.

There are numerous blogging websites to choose from in the net. This give first time users the option of joining a blogging community that appeals to their interests.

Just search any blogging directory and you'd get a listing of a lot of blogging sites that are available on the net. It's easy to search a blogging directory, because it is organized according to category. This way you would get exactly what you are after. Blogging is really for everyone. It is fun, simple and easy.

by Saiffuddin Juman

Monday, June 20, 2011

5 Business Killing Blogging Mistakes You're Probably Making

By Erin P Smith
Expert Author Erin P Smith

Blogging is my favorite way to market online.

It might not necessarily be the fastest way to tons of leads, but nothing else I've found has built my brand and established my expertise faster or more efficiently.

However, there are A LOT of new internet network marketers every day setting up blogs (I know, I set up blogs on the side!)

But, if you know what you're doing, it's not that difficult to stand out from the rest and create a loyal following.

Here are 5 mistakes that a lot of bloggers make that you can easily avoid:

1. They don't have an opt in form visible on every page

Many times an opt in might be visible on their home page, but doesn't show up on their individual posts.

Big mistake! People will spend the majority of their time on your posts, and you want that opt in form to be on their mind always.

2. Opt In offer is too bland

Your blog is acting like your capture page, so you have to do everything possible to entice your readers to opt in.

If it says something boring, like "Get secrets here" then your opt in percentage will stink.

Have an offer that really creates a pull to your reader. It's gotta be something that they'll feel left out if they don't get it.

3. No call to action

This one's extraordinarily important, yet pretty darn simple to do.

Your readers are most sold on you when reading your content. So, at the end of each post, it's a great idea to encourage them to do something... like opt in!

It can be as simple as "Like these marketing tips? Subscribe here to get 5 more ways to..."

4. Big blocks of text

This one is overlooked a lot, yet it can have a bigger influence on your readership than you might imagine.

Have you ever flipped through a magazine, and you see a page where they're advertising some type of medication? Sometimes the whole page will be one big block of size 2 text.

Do you ever read those?

Didn't think so. It's that way with your blog too. The more you break up your text and make it softer on the eye (like using bold, italics, and underline), the more appealing your article will look to a reader.

5. Not enough personality!

My blog's best function is to sell people on ME. When people opt in, a lot of times it's because they like who I am and what I offer.

I get people who send me messages on my contact form.

I also sell a lot of blog services through my blog.

And, the number one reason people tell me they take these actions is because they like my blog, what I have to say, and my personality.

For example, you can see that my header is kinda goofy. When I first put that up, I had dozens of people complement me and tell me how much they liked it.

I also made my blog overwhelmingly purple, because I'm obsessed with purple!

My about me page tells tons about me and lets my readers see who I am.

All of those things show my personality. Of course my writing does too, but you can't forget those peripheral elements of your blog that let your personality shine through

If you like these tips, check out the resource box below for more!

To get access to Erin's free video report about how you can generate at least 36 leads per day absolutely for free, visit Erin Smith's MLM Secrets

Article Source: Erin P Smith

Thursday, June 16, 2011

10 Reasons Why You Want To Blog

By Kat Wu

A month ago, I was brainstorming very diligently to come up with a worthwhile project before I start school again in the Fall. While it might be a good idea to just rest up before the torture of law school begins, I wasn't about to just idle for 4 more precious months away like I did after graduating. I started to work for a home deco company and was told to update the company's blog. Little did I know, that was the beginning of something very curious for my 23 years of existence. I mean, everyone's heard of blogs, weblogs, RSS and all that good stuff, but it was really something different trying to keep one yourself. Decidedly, I would devote wholeheartedly the time I have before school starts to blog, blog, and blog. There are just some benefits to blogging that's very apparent and applicable to me, and I'd like to share them with you.

Blogging has all but not limited to the following benefits:

1. It forces your brain to work at all times

Since I graduated from college a year ago, my writing has turned rusty. And it's not just my writing that turned rusty, it's my brain-my train of thought-that's gotten even muddier! Now that I have blogs to update, my brain is constantly on the go looking for ideas, absorbing information, filtering information so I could juice up my next blog entry! You're brain is just that much sharper when you keep it running.

2. It forces you to write

Practicing writing is something that I find really hard to do just out of self discipline, yet writing is so important especially in the world today with increasing channels of communication involving writing, I mean less and less people are calling each other now, but shooting each other emails and texts instead. Achieve that clarity in your writing by blogging. WordPress and many other blog hosts provide resources to perfecting and improving your writing. Why not use 'em?

3. It forces you to read

Blogging not only forces you to write, it also forces you to read. And as we know, reading is always good for you! When you hit a writer's block, or simply for the sake of reading other interesting blogs, you're reading a ton of information. To be honest, I don't think I've ever read so much even when in school.

4. It makes you more observant of the world around you

Your surroundings is the single most abundant source of inspiration you have, completely free of charge. You start to notice more details and angles in the world around you. No kidding, I started to take notice of small details of the streets and the people, not willing to let a single light of inspiration pass.

5. Network

I have just became serious about blogging and have yet to meet more people, but what I've learned from reading other blogs' comments is that for the most part people provide constructive criticism and are willing to help one another out. Some even become cherished friends through this platform. Think about it, it's such an easy to way to get to know people who have similar interests and hobbies because our blogs are categorized and tagged.

6. It's a good resume builder

If you keep a good quality blog with good substance, you could potentially spice up your resume with it. The best part is that blog keeping is sort of versatile; you need to be somewhat well rounded enough to be able to keep up a substantial blog, starting from decent writing skills to digital editing skills and a certain amount of social skills. These are all great indicators to your employer that you have what it takes to succeed at the workplace.

7. Get in touch with yourself

This is a chance for you to get to know yourself, understand what your likes and dislikes are, what your hobbies and passion may be, what your working ethic and habits are, and most importantly, your way of thought processing. When I'm blogging, I'm forced to come up with an opinion about stuff, forced to dissect that thought and analyze how and why I feel this way about something. I would say the blogging experience would be close to something like meditation or Zen.

8. Keep up with current events

Well, you don't want to be left behind when it comes to keeping up with fresh ideas that would potentially be an incredible blog entry, so there's an incentive to read up more on current events. I hate reading news on a regular basis, but a lot of times I would stumble across posts related to current events, and automatically get updated on the latest news.

9. It makes you feel more tech savvy

Notice I said blogging makes you "feel" more tech savvy, because even if you don't really get that much more tech savvy, at least you certainly feel more savvy. I'm almost certain that it would up your internet, html, SEO and other knowledge base because you'd be preoccupied with prettying up your blog, directing traffic to your site and much more.

10. Gives you the greatest sense of achievement

The sense of achievement you get when you finished your first post is simply...amazing. I'm sure there are many other things out there that are considered more achieving, but the sense of accomplishment I get after writing each entry is unmatched by many other achievements.
With all of this said, I'm about to devote my summer into blogging my brains out.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Write a Blog To Pass Time Online

Surfing the web easily consumes a lot of your time if you don't have a clear purpose. For example if you belong to several online discussion forums your back and forth conversations will eat up your time. Before you realize it, several hours have passed by and you haven't accomplished anything. It's easy to become distracted by all the information and interaction you can enjoy online.

Why don't you pass some of the time you spend online to write a blog?

Here are the 10 steps to write a blog

1. Choose a niche

Select a niche you feel passionate about. If you choose a niche you're not interested in it will be difficult to come up with new content a regular basis. If you find it difficult to decide on niche make a list of all the things you are interested in ie hobbies, relationships, money, sports, etc. After deciding on a broad niche, narrow it down to a small one. For example if your interested in skiing, think of a smaller niche such as Alpine skiing.

2. Set up your blog

Requirements for setting up a blog include a domain name, Web hosting and WordPress software. Choose a domain name that represents your niche, is easy to spell and remember. Select a web hosting company that uses cpanel, a control panel that includes a one click install of WordPress and manages your web hosting account. A free WordPress template is included in your WordPress installation. Google "free WordPress Templates" to find alternative templates.

3. Optimize your blog

Optimizing your blog means it's fast loading, contains search engine friendly pages, appropriate meta-tags and a correct structure for your posts, pages, comments and RSS feeds. Unfortunately your WordPress blog is not optimized when first installed so you'll need to learn how to do this your self or hire a professional WordPress designer.

4. Write your blog

Create a long list of possible topics you can write about and use these to populate your blog. Decide on a schedule how often to post content. If you're starting from scratch it's best to write a new post every day for at least the next 30 days. After that write at least 3 new posts every week.

5. Optimize your content

To attract visitors and search engine traffic you need to write captivating headlines, sub headlines and include keywords people are searching on in your content. Use the free Google keyword research tool to find keywords related to your niche. The tool will show how many searches the keyword receives each month. Weave the keyword into your headlines and web copy so search engines will find and index your content.

6. Create a marketing plan

Visitors won't automatically visit your blog without creating a marketing plan. One effective marketing method is article marketing. Simply rewrite a portion of your content and submit it to the top article directories and ezine publishers in your niche. Make sure you always include a link back to your blog at the end of your article.

7. Interact with your visitors

Once you begin to get traffic to your blog visitors will comment on your content. Make sure you answer their questions. Use Twitter, and Facebook to direct visitors back to your blog. Interacting with your visitors helps build a community of loyal followers around your content.

8. Monetize your blog

Only monetize your blog after you've added at least 30 pages of content and got a steady flow of traffic. Ways to monetize your content may include adding AdSense Ads, Affiliate Programs, Product Reviews, Sponsored Ads and selling your own products. Test different methods to determine which program is the most profitable.

9. Monitor your traffic

if you don't know how many visitors you're receiving, where they are coming from and what keywords they are using to find your blog you'll have no idea how to create a successful blog. You need to monitor and analyze your traffic statistics. If your web hosting company doesn't provide this (from the hosting control panel) install Google Analytics code.

10. Be consistent

The key to building a profitable blog is to add new content frequently and consistently then to promote your content through social media sites, article marketing and other marketing methods.

Stop thinking about starting a blog and get the process underway. With time you'll see that good things will come to you.

original source Ezine Articles

Saturday, April 30, 2011

4 cara untuk mendapatkan pendapatan dari blog

Salam semua,

So,dah dapat idea tak cemaner nak start menulis ... tak susah sbenarnyer ... apa yg perlu cuma semangat, semangat dan semangat ... jangan cepat putus asa ... sebab apa yang paling susah sebenarnya adalah untuk memulakan sesuatu ... so, jom kita tengok lagik tips untuk buat blog nih ...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

7 langkah asas membangunkan blog

Salam semua,

Susahkan nak menulis ... hm ... pernah tak dengar pepatah "Banyak idea, tapi tiada" ... banyak yg kita nak tulis, tapi dalam masa yg sama kita tak tau apa sbenarnyer yg kita nak tulis ... so, sementara kita mencari idea nak tulis apa, jom kite dengar apa yg minah nih nak cadangkan bila kita mula nak berjinak2 dngan dunia blogging nih ...

7 langkah bagaimana nak buat blog yg mendatangkan hasil .... selamat mencuba ... (^_^) ....

Friday, March 18, 2011

Salam semua,

Apa yg hebat sangat dengan blog ni? betul ker dengan berblog kita bleh tambah pendapatan kita? cemaner kita nak tambah pendapatan kita? pandai ker kita berblog? dengan apa kita nak buat blog kita? ada tak tips-tips yg boleh kita guna bila kita nak buat blog kita tuh? kenapa kita perlu tambah pendapatan kita? pendapatan yg ada tak cukup ker? banyak ker modal yang kita nak guna untuk blog kita ni?

Mesti semua soalan ini pernah kawan-kawan fikirkan, betul tak? dalam tulisan saya ni, saya cuba selesaikan satu persatu persoalan kawan-kawan semua, daripada asas berblog hinggalah bagaimana kita boleh tambah pendapatan kita dengan blog yg kita bangunkan, juga apa langkah-langkah pencegahan yang perlu kita elakkan ketika kita bangunkan blog kita nanti. Sekadar makluman, sumber penuisan saya adalah berdasarkan artikel-artikel bacaan saya sendiri, dan juga komen-komen golongan yang telah berjaya dalam bidang ini. nantikan entry pertama saya nanti.

Sampai bertemu kembali,

- Saiffuddin Juman -
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